Your supervisor reports that an employee isn’t working out and should be discharged from employment. Upon further questioning, you learn the person is frequently late to work, leaves early, and has poor customer relations. Unfortunately, when you check his personnel file, you see only positive evaluations, no write-ups and no records reflecting the schedule he has been maintaining. Do you terminate based on the words of your supervisor, or continue to employ him?
View PDF Nationwide Suspension of Corporate Transparency Act and FinCEN Reporting Obligations
Nationwide Suspension of Corporate Transparency Act and FinCEN Reporting Obligations
Employers Take Note: The DOL’s New “Final Rule” Significantly Raises Salary Thresholds for Certain Exempt Employees
Employers Take Note: The DOL’s New “Final Rule” Significantly Raises Salary Thresholds for Certain Exempt Employees
Corporate Transparency Act and FinCEN Required Reporting
Corporate Transparency Act and FinCEN Required Reporting