With three Texas House Bills advocating changes to the Texas Anti-Slapp the full court press on legislators is on. https://www.antislapptexas.com/blog/2019/3/13/the-future-of-the-texas-anti-slapp-is-here
Anyone that follows this blog knows that attempting to pigeon hole the Texas Anti-Slapp into a David v. Goliath is missing the breadth in which the statute is being applied. Often times it is Goliath that is swinging the Texas Anti-Slapp hammer down onto David. There is a reason why so many COA opinions are asking for changes to the statute. What those changes may end up, and whether they resolve the criticism remain to be seen. Until then, we eagerly await the next clarifying opinion from the Texas Supreme Court.
Here are just a few articles being written (which all focus on HB 2730).